Author: Maryanne Heath

  • Long-Distance Trek Planning: 13 Amazing Tips For Achievement

    Long-Distance Trek Planning: 13 Amazing Tips For Achievement

    Ever find yourself daydreaming about strapping on those boots and embarking on a long-distance hike? Yeah, been there. It’s an enticing adventure, but let me tell you from my own rendezvous with the Pacific Crest Trail, it isn’t exactly a walk in the park. But hey, don’t sweat it! This article is all about helping…

  • Hiking Safety Precautions: 5 Top Tips For Success

    Hiking Safety Precautions: 5 Top Tips For Success

    Embarking on a hike can be an invigorating journey, yet it’s not without its potential pitfalls. I understand; one moment you’re immersing yourself in the breathtaking beauty of nature, and suddenly you find yourself disoriented or grappling with unforeseen weather shifts. But fret not! This blog post is your faithful guide, brimming with 14 practical…

  • Choosing Hiking Footwear: 3 Essential Tips For Achievement

    Choosing Hiking Footwear: 3 Essential Tips For Achievement

    Ever found yourself gearing up for a hike and getting stumped at the footwear aisle? Trust me, I totally get it. With more options than leaves on the trees, zeroing in on that perfect pair of hiking shoes can feel as hard as climbing a mountain itself. Through my own trial and errors along with…

  • Hiking For Mental Well-Being: 15 Top Tips For Growth

    Hiking For Mental Well-Being: 15 Top Tips For Growth

    Are you carrying the weight of stress and anxiety, or perhaps craving an escape from the treadmill of daily life? We’re all human, it’s normal to feel this way. Science interjects with a promising solution – hiking. Research evidence suggests that a simple walk in nature can dramatically boost mental well-being and serve as a…

  • Beginner Hiking Tips: 7 Essential Tips For Growth

    Beginner Hiking Tips: 7 Essential Tips For Growth

    Do you feel that tug of curiosity to delve into the exhilarating world of hiking, but find it just a little bit daunting? You’re not alone. In fact, nearly 44 million Americans blaze through trails each year, so starting from scratch can appear overwhelming. But hey, no worries! I’ve delved deep into this topic and…